V.V. Mironov, A.S. Gusarenko, N.I. Yusupova Displaying virtual XML-documents on MySQL tables in the situation-oriented databases, "distributed" approach
V.V. Mironov, A.S. Gusarenko, N.I. Yusupova Displaying virtual XML-documents on MySQL tables in the situation-oriented databases, "distributed" approach


Situation-oriented database (SODB) represents the information processor for processing the XML-documents as part of a Web application that is running by means of built-in situational models. Considered SOBD architecture with a virtual document repository, which contains the XML-data and virtual documents processed by the data processing objects DPO. The document repository can store heterogeneous data as files, web services, the zip-archives and DBMS. Considered SODB integration with relational environment MySQL as a source of XML-Data - XML-documents are physically stored in a MySQL database, how to handle the process of loading data in DOM-objects created by the interpreter situational model. Proposed linguistic tools for specifying in the situational model for displaying XMLdata in a MySQL table. In SODB there are several types of virtual documents dom-element, src-element, rcv-element, doc-element. These types of elements are used to display documents from the file system in a DBMS table. Discussed the practical implementation of the approach using PHP platform and the mysqli extension, and its application in web applications.


situation-oriented database; web-application; model-driven approach; hierarchical situation model; virtual document; relational data; data integration; HSM; NoSQL; XML; DOM; MySQL; PHP; mysqli.

PP. 77-89.


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