Abstract. Development of robotics last years significantly extends tasks that can be solved by mobile robots. However, it brings to complication of these tasks and necessity to coalition formation in case of impossibility to solve a task by one robot. Thereby, it is needed to develop new models and methods for interoperability support during the interaction of mobile robots in coalitions. The paper considers different levels of interoperability, proposes an approach for semantic interoperability support during the interaction of mobile robots in coalitions, and describe a scenario for word formation by mobile robots. Keywords: mobile robots, coalitions, ontologies, interoperability. PP. 90-100. REFERENCES 1. Aristova N., Management automation for the production of robots. Hierarchical scheme, Information Technologies and Computation System Journal, 1, 2015 pp. 77-82. 2. Ptichkin S., Umnaya pulya vidit cel. Sekretnaya boevaya tekhnika vpervye proshla ispytanie uchebnym boem. Rossijskaya gazeta. 18.07.2016. 3. Kubicek H., Cimander R., Scholl H., Organizational Interoperability in E-Government: Lessons from 77 European Good- Practice Cases, 2011, 96 p. 4. Kubicek H., Cimander R., Three dimensions of organizational interoperability: Insights from recent studies for improving interoperability frame-works, European Journal of ePractice, N?6, January 2009, ISSN: 1988-625X. 5. Smirnov, A.V., Kashevnik, A.M., Mikhailov, S.V., Mironov, M.D., Multi-level cyber-physical resources self-organization: context-oriented approach and implementation, Scientific and Technical Information Processing, Vol. 4, 2015, pp. 95–103. 6. Baca, J., Pagala, P., Rossi, C., Ferre, M., Modular robot systems towards the execution of cooperative tasks in large facilities, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 66, 2015, pp. 159–174. 7. Ono, K., Ogawa, H., Personal Robot Using Android Smartphone, Procedia Technology, vol. 18, 2014, pp. 37–41. 8. Zhu, Y., Zhang, T., Song, J., Li, X., A hybrid navigation strategy for multiple mobile robots. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 29, 2013, pp. 129–141. 9. Lopez, J., Perez, D., Paz, E., Santana, A., WatchBot: A building maintenance and surveillance system based on autonomous robots, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 61, 2013, 1559–1571. 10. Fernandez, J.L., Sanz, R., Benayas, J.A., Dieguez, A.R., Improving collision avoidance for mobile robots in partially known environments: the beam curvature method, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 46, 2004, pp. 205–219. 11. Simmons, R., The interprocess communications system (IPC), http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/TCA/www/ipc/ipc.html 12. Montemerlo, M., Roy, N., Thrun, S., Perspectives on Standardization in Mobile Robot Programming: The Carnegie Mellon Navigation (CARMEN) Toolkit, IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October 2003, pp. 2436–2441. 13. Rodic, A., Jovanovic, M., Stevanovic, I., Karan, B., Potkonjak, V., Building Technology Platform Aimed to Develop Service Robot with Embedded Personality and Enhanced Communication with Social Environment, Digital Communications and Networks, doi:10.1016/j.dcan.2015.03.002, 2015. 14. Chand, P., Carnegie, D.A., Mapping and exploration in a hierarchical heterogeneous multi-robot system using limited capability robots, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 61, 2013, pp. 565–579. 15. Chand, P., Carnegie, D.A., Task allocation and coordination for limited capability mobile robots, Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 1, ARAA, Brisbane, Australia, 2007. 16. Chand, P., Carnegie, D.A., Development of a reduced human user input task allocation method for multiple robots, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 60, 2012, pp. 1231–1244. 17. Zhang, T., Ueno, H., Knowledge model-based heterogeneous multi-robot system implemented by a software platform, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 20, 2007, pp. 310–319. 18. Smirnov, A., Kashevnik, A., Shilov, N., Balandin, S., Oliver, I., Boldyrev, S. On-the-Fly Ontology Matching for Smart M3- based Smart Spaces, Proc. First Intern. Conf. on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2010). Florence, Italy, 25-30 Oct., 2010. pp. 225 – 230.