A.V. Maltsev GPU implementation of water and foam jets in 3D virtual scenes by using particle systems |
Abstract. This paper presents implementation methods of virtual water and foam jets in threedimensional scenes, based on using small-sized particle systems. Real-time simulation and visualization of such jets are performed on modern graphics processor that supports CUDA parallel computing architecture. Designed virtual models of water and foam particles are described in details. Keywords: three-dimensional scene, particle system, visualization, graphics processor, real time, CUDA. PP. 40-45. REFERENCES 1. Mihayluk M.V., Torgashev M.A. Ispol'zovanie tekhnologij virtual'noj real'nosti dlya modelirovaniya bezopasnogo upraveniya antropomorfnymi robototekhnicheskimi sredstvami // Trudy XXI Mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii «Problemy upravleniya bezopasnost'yu slozhnykh sistem». – Moskva, 2013. – P. 290-293. 2. Mihayluk M.V. Videotrenazhernyj kompleks upravleniya robotami i manipulyatorami // Trudy Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma «Innovatsionnye tekhnologii v issledovanii okruzhaushchej sredy».– Larnaka-Moskva, 2013. – P. 84-85. 3. Maltsev A.V. Realizatsiya sistemy chastits v real'nom vremeni na GPU // Programmnye produkty i sistemy. – 2014. – № 4. – P. 57-62. 4. Zou C., Xie X., Zhao G. Algorithm for generating snow based on GPU // ICIMCS 2010, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service. – 2010. – P. 199-202. 5. Maltsev A.V. Modelirovanie atmosfernykh osadkov v trekhmernykh stsenakh s ispol'zovaniem CUDA // Informatsionnye tekhnologii i vychislitel'nye sistemy. – 2015. – № 2. – P. 31-39. 6. CUDA C Programming Guide // NVIDIA Corporation. – 2015. – 240 p. URL: http:// docs.nvidia.com/cuda/pdf/CUDA_C_Programming_Guide.pdf (review date: 21.06.2016) 7. Boreskov A.V. Rasshireniya OpenGL. – SPb.: BHV-Peterburg. – 2005. – 667 pp. 8. Mihayluk M.V., Torgashev M.A. Sistema vizualizacii «GLView» dlja imitacionno-trenazhernyh kompleksov i sistem virtual'nogo okruzhenija // Trudy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii Grafikon-2015. – 2015. – P. 96-101.