A.V. Vishnekov, E.M. Ivanova, Y.L. Leokhin Development Technique of the information structure for corporate computer network |
Abstract. The article considers the information structure choice of the corporate computer network based on the application of methods of decision support. The authors suggest a technique for calculation of the information structure parameters and evaluation criteria when making design decisions. Keywords: corporate network, information structure, decision-making support methods, alternative project decision, evaluation criteria. PP. 17-29. REFERENCES 1. Leohin Ju.L., Bekasov V.Ju. Korporativnye seti: sostojanie, perspektivy i tendencii. M.: Fond «Kachestvo», 2008. 123 p. 2. Olifer V.G., Olifer N.A. i dr. Strategicheskoe planirovanie setej masshtaba predprijatija. M: Centr Informacionnyh Tehnologij, 2000. 680 p. 3. Olifer V.G., Olifer N.A. Komp'juternye seti: principy, tehnologii, protokoly. 5-e izd. SPb: Izdatel'stvo «Piter», 2016. 992 p. 4. Larichev O.I. Teorija i metody prinjatija reshenij, a takzhe Hronika sobytij v Volshebnyh stranah: Uchebnik. Izd. 3-e, pererab. i dop. - M.: Logos, 2008, – 392 p. 5. Dzh. Kurouz, K. Ross. Komp'juternye seti. Nishodjashhij podhod - M: Je, 2016. – 908 p. 6. Je. Tanenbaum, D. Ujezeroll. Komp'juternye seti. –SPb: Piter, 2016. -955 p. 7. Uilson Je. Monitoring i analiz setej. – M: LORI, 2013. – 350 p. 8. Leohin Ju.L. Povyshenie kachestva upravlenija mul'tiservisnymi korporativnymi setjami // Telekommunikacii. – 2009. - No 7. - P. 18-21. 9. Platunova S.M. Metody proektirovanija fragmentov komp'juternoj seti – SPb: NIU ITMO, 2012. – 51 p. 10. Sadjadi S. J., Habibian M., Khaledi V. A multi-objective decision making approach for solving quadratic multiple response surface problems // Intern. J. Contemp. Math. Sci. 2008. V. 3, No 32. P. 1595–1606 11. John G. Kemeny, J. Laurie Snell. Mathematical models in the social sciences. – Published: New York, Blaisdell, 1963, – 145 p. 12. Leohin Ju.L. Analiz informacionnoj struktury korporativnoj seti//Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Povolzhskij region. Tehnicheskie nauki, 2008, No 4, p. 27-40. 13. Bekasov V.Ju. Metody i modeli razrabotki i analiza informacionnyh struktur korporativnyh mul'tiservisnyh setej. Dis. kand. teh. nauk. MIJeM, Moskva, 2011.