V.B. Betelin Development of Russian Federation in the field of Information Technologies |
Abstract. On December 2016 Russian Federation President have signed off on «The Strategy of Russian Federation Technological Evolvement», which declares, that one of the most important tasks are parrying hidden challenges and risks, inspired by technological evolvement, as well as creation in Russia companies capable be leaders in new global technological markets. This paper suggests possible ways to solution the problem of absence of Russia on global semiconductor market. Leaders of this market are making now new global wide-scale markets on the basis of increase of profitability of finish radio-electronic production by means of complex optimization of chips, hardware and software. In the framework of this model it is suggested to aim Russia IT-branch on assurance high level of revenue position of finish production of strategic branches providing their leadership on global strategic markets. Keywords: Technology evolvement strategy, hidden challenges and risks, global semiconductor market, decrease level of revenue position of semiconductors, new global technological markets, high level of revenue position of finish radio-electronic production, leadership on global strategic markets, real sector of economy, volume of production. PP. 3-9. REFERENCES 1. V.B. Betelin. O probleme importozamestcheniya i alternativnoj modeli economicheskogo razvitiya Rossii // Strategicheskie prioritety [Strategic Priorities] 2016 №1(9) p.11-21. 2. V.B. Betelin. Itogi nauchno-tehnologicheskogo i innivatsionnogo razvitiya economiki Rossii v 2006-2016 гг. // Innovatsii [Innnovations] 2016 №6 (212), С.9-16.