T.V. Avetisyan, Ya.E. Lvovich, A.P. Preobrazhensky, Yu.P. Preobrazhensky Investigation of the Possibilities of Optimizing the Management Processes of Cyberphysical Systems
T.V. Avetisyan, Ya.E. Lvovich, A.P. Preobrazhensky, Yu.P. Preobrazhensky Investigation of the Possibilities of Optimizing the Management Processes of Cyberphysical Systems

The article discusses the features of solving problems related to the optimization of control processes in cyberphysical systems at manufacturing enterprises. With the help of the proposed approach based on the theory of graphs and structural matrices, there are opportunities to evaluate the effectiveness of the cyberphysical system and explore alternative options for its formation. The optimization task was formed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of management functions. It is considered as a linear programming problem with Boolean variables. The results show the possibility of improving the management efficiency of cyber-physical systems.


cyberphysical system, optimization, management, process, model.

PP. 96-105.

DOI 10.14357/20718632230210

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