A new method and an Internet system implementing it have been developed for automated assessment and correction of health, working capacity and quality of life. 100% autonomy and automaticity of these processes have been achieved. An application for the smartphone "Lifestyle Assistant" has been created, which is the user and system interface. This application is integrated with a cloud server that performs data analysis and automatic generation of corrective recommendations. The system is based on automated collection and complex analysis of multimodal data on human health, lifestyle, quality of life, priorities and habitat. Based on these data, the system automatically generates personalized recommendations for correcting detected problems in the field of health, work capacity and quality of life, and also monitors the effectiveness of the implementation of a personal correction program.
information and analytical system, data processing platform, smartphone application, health management, performance management, quality of life management.
PP. 38-47.
DOI 10.14357/20718632230204 References
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