V. A. Tishchenko Building of References in Unstructured Data in a Hypertext System for the NIKA Database |
Based on the closeness of OODBMS NIKA and hypertext models, a conclusion about a more complete disclosure of the possibilities of the NIKA database through a hypertext interface is made. Applying different specifications of representation to database objects allows them to be displayed in different ways in HTML/XML documents. On the other hand, there are unstructured data that cannot be defined as special database nodes. To display such vertices, the use of metaspecifications is necessary. So, to describe a reference to a publication inside a text array, an anchor metaspecification is defined using a text template.
specification of representation, semi-structured information, metaspecification, anchor, text template, context reference.
PP. 60-66.
DOI 10.14357/20718632230206 References
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