E. V. Strashnov, L. A. Finagin, M. A. Torgashev Motion Control Simulation of Virtual Jet Pack Model for Cosmonaut Self-Rescue
E. V. Strashnov, L. A. Finagin, M. A. Torgashev Motion Control Simulation of Virtual Jet Pack Model for Cosmonaut Self-Rescue

The paper considers the task for motion control simulation of a virtual cosmonaut model using a space jet pack. To solve this problem, jet pack control is realized by means of a game joystick in manual and automatic modes. With this approach, the algorithm for the jet pack control is based on the application of the developed technology of block diagram schemes, consists in the synthesis of relay control and makes it possible to implement stabilization, reorientation and movement of the cosmonaut model to a given point. The proposed methods and approaches were implemented in the software complex of the virtual environment system, created at the SRISA RAS, and tested on the example of simulation for the cosmonaut self-rescue when he is detached from the surface of a spacecraft.


cosmonaut, jet pack, virtual model, extravehicular activity, joystick, stabilization, relay control, virtual environment system.

PP. 94-104.

DOI 10.14357/20718632210210

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