A. V. Solovyev, N. B. Bakanova Methodology for Modeling the Stability of Digital Data
A. V. Solovyev, N. B. Bakanova Methodology for Modeling the Stability of Digital Data

The article proposes a methodology for modeling the stability of digital data to destabilizing effects in the process of long-term keeping. The stability of digital data to destabilizing influences in the article is understood as the ability to recover in a minimum period of time both the data itself and the operability of applications responsible for the interpretation of this data, as well as the operability of other software and hardware, without which the use of digital data is not possible. This article provides a statement of the problem of stability of digital data. A review of the problems of ensuring resistance to destabilizing influences is carried out, the relationship between the identified problems is shown. It is concluded that it is necessary to comprehensively solve the identified problems by developing a methodology for modeling sustainability. The main result of the research is the proposed methodology for modeling the stability of digital data. The main provisions of the methodology, as well as limitations and assumptions in its implementation are given in the article. In conclusion, it is concluded that it is necessary to model sustainability in the context of rapid digitalization. Possible areas of application of the proposed methodology are given. The areas for further research on the development of methodological and algorithmic apparatus for modeling the stability of digital data are identified.


digital data, long-term keeping, sustainability, destabilizing impacts, digitalization.

PP. 67-74.

DOI 10.14357/20718632210207

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