A. A. Zatsarinnyy, Y. S. Ionenkov The Choice of Target Indicators of Information Systems in the Context of Digital Transformation of Society |
The article is devoted to the problem of choosing the target indicators of information systems (IS) in the conditions of digital transformation of society. Target indicators are numerical performance indexes that allow you to quantify the degree of achievement of goals. The role and importance of target indicators in the implementation of IS development projects and programs are noted. General requirements and approaches to the formation of a system of IS targets are presented, taking into account their features and the requirements of regulatory documents. A general list of IS targets for the main directions of their development is proposed. Proposals on methods for calculating IS targets are formulated.
target indicators; digital transformation; information system; technology; software.
PP. 3-10.
DOI 10.14357/20718632210201 References
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