M. V. Petrov, A. M. Kashevnik Approach to Change of Human Resource Competence Assessment in Expert Networks
M. V. Petrov, A. M. Kashevnik Approach to Change of Human Resource Competence Assessment in Expert Networks

Professional competencies are critical in the human resource and projects management. Expert networks include information about the organization's employees and their competencies. Project managers use this information used to assign performers to a particular project. If the team is chosen incorrectly, the results of the project will be unsuccessful. An important task in human resource management is to keep the assessment of the professional competencies up to date in expert networks. The approach presented in this paper addresses this challenge. The approach proposes to analyze the project implementation results and to increase or decrease the assessment of its participants’ competencies based on these results. The paper presents a conceptual model and an algorithm for changing the human resources competencies assessment.


competence management, human resource management, changing competency assessment, expert networks, project management.

PP. 11-21.

DOI 10.14357/20718632210202

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