A.N. Ruchay, V.V. Kuznetsov, A.V. Melnikov, A.V. Vokhmintsev Developing сentralized system election multibiometric authentication
A.N. Ruchay, V.V. Kuznetsov, A.V. Melnikov, A.V. Vokhmintsev Developing сentralized system election multibiometric authentication


This work aims to develop a system of centralized managing permissions based on the election multibiometric authentication. The novelty of this work is to develop the principles of distinction and multibiometric authentication, because at the moment there is no such development. Depending on various conditions and factors, including the availability of electronic means and convenience, resistance to attacks and exploits, disease or injury of users can be selected on the basis of biometric authentication of any such biometrics as rhythm password, voice, dynamic signatures and graphics password. The results of the software development based on the new approach are showed; in addition, the architecture of system and transfer protocol is described. The possible attacks on the developed system are analyzed, and the conclusions and recommendations on defenses from these attacks are submitted.


biometrics, multibiometrics, multibiometric authentication, biometric authentication, biometric technologies, biometric data transfer protocol, biometric database, managing permissions.

PP. 106-116.


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