Ju. S. Shevnina, L. G. Gagarina Approaches to Process Automation of Collective Design Centers for Microelectronics |
The article describes approaches to the automation of processes of collective design centers for microelectronics. The processes of training specialists and creating a personnel reserve in the field of microelectronics are subject to automation. increasing the efficiency of training specialists in the field of electronics design by integrating and introducing resources, experience and ready-made projects in thedevelopment and manufacture of electronic components, printed circuit boards, photomasks, elements and products of electronic equipment into the educational process, prototyping by vendors, partners, customers, groups scientists on the basis of design centers for the design of microelectronics.
collective design center, design center, competencies, personnel reserve.
PP. 12-25.
DOI 10.14357/20718632210402 References
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