A.O. Suvorov, A.A. Petrenko, A.V. Alikin Using Isomorphic Approach for Solving SEO Problems of JavaScript-Based Web Applications |
The article is devoted to solving the problems of search engine optimization of single-page applications built based on modern technologies of reactive JavaScript, including such JavaScript-frameworks as React, Angular, Vue, which allow developers to quickly create and scale interactive applications. However, such single page application is a complex area with a huge number of nuances in terms of search engine optimization because JavaScript is a programming language that allows to create dynamically updated content. The main issues of modern search engine optimization are considered: the principles of search engine operation, the basic principles, and algorithms for ranking web pages by relevance are described. Using the React framework as an example, the main features of the development of modern single-page applications based on the modern JavaScript technology stack are described and the main disadvantages of such applications from the point of view of search engine optimization are shown, as well as existing approaches to solving this problem are considered, their disadvantages are highlighted, and a more effective and perfect hybrid approach based on the principles of isomorphism is proposed. An isomorphic approach to the development of single-page applications based on the principle of its design and strategies for its use is considered in detail, the principles of building such an application and examples of a block of program code are given, as well as a visual comparison of the ranking of a standard single-page application and a similar application built using an isomorphic architecture.
search engine optimization (SEO), PageRank, relevancy, isomorphism, rendering, Single Page Application (SPA), JavaScript, Document Object Model (DOM), API, React.
PP. 100-110.
DOI 10.14357/20718632210410 References
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