O.B. Gromov, A.A. Bykov, Е.М. Maximov, P.I. Mikheev, S.O. Travin, M.L. Akhtiamova, A.A. Galata, S.A. Kotov, A.I. Rudnikov Technological modeling of the process hydrofluorination of uranium oxide |
Abstract.Obtaining UO2 and UF4 are important steps in the production UF6. This paper includes the numerical research of the distribution of material flows of the main reacting substances and heat fluxes by the dimensions of the industrial combined-type apparatus for the hydrofluorination of uranium dioxide (ACT). The main heat losses that affect the temperature fields in the reaction zones of the hydrofluorination reactor occur in the zones of the apparatus that are practically unprotected by thermal insulation. The temperatures of the hydrofluorination process along the axis of the apparatus and near its wall are calculated. It is shown that in the middle and outlet zones the temperature field is not uniform, especially in the final zone IV, which will negatively affect the quality of the product. The difference in temperature values reaches 100-180o. ANSYS software is used to perform calculations and visualize the results. Recommendations are given on the modernization of the ACT design in order to reduce heat losses. Keywords: uranium oxides, uranium tetrafluoride, hydrofluorination, mathematical modeling, optimization of processes and apparatus, kinetics of hydrofluorination. PP. 109-118. References 1. Gromov, B.V. eds. 1978. Vvedeniye v khimicheskuyu tekhnologiyu urana [Introduction to chemical technology of uranium]. Moscow: Atomizdat. 336 p. 2. Godovoy otchet kompanii OAO «Toplivnaya kompaniya «TVEL» [Annual report of JSC Fuel company TVEL]. 2011. 46 p. 3. Cherteg № AV 37.004.000-01 SB. Sublimatny zavod. Otdel glavnogo konstruktora eds. 2012 [Drawing No. AV 37.004.000-01 SB. Sublimate plant. Department of the chief designer]. Seversk: JSC “Siberian group of Chemical Industry”. 4. Bereza, V.N., V.F. Dyadik, and S.A. Baydali. 2007. Matematicheskaya model apparata kombinirovannogo tipa dlya ulavlivaniya tsennykh komponentov iz khvostovykh tekhnologicheskikh gazov proizvodstva geksaftorida urana [Mathematical model of the device of the combined type for catching of valuable components from tail technological gases of production of uranium hexafluoride]. Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta [News of the Tomsk Polytechnic University], vol. 311. No 3. p. 55. 5. Pervov, V.S. 1969. Izuchenie hidroftorirovaniya oksidov urana [Hydrofluoration research of uranium oxides] Kand. Sc. Diss. Moscow. 134 p. 6. Rabinovich, V.A., and Z.Ya. Khavin. eds. 1991. Kratkiy khimicheskiy spravochnik. Izd. 3 [Short chemical reference book. Ed. 3]. Leningrad: Chemistry. 324 p. 7. Binnewies, M., and E. Milke. eds. 2002. Thermochemical Data of Elements and Compounds. Weiheim: Willey-VCH Verlag GmbH. 598 p. 8. Mikheev, P.I., O.B. Gromov, A.A. Bykov et al. 2014. Modelirovaniye teplovogo balansa apparata kombinirovannogo tipa pri gidroftorirovanii dioksida urana [Modeling of thermal balance of the device of the combined type at uranium dioxide hydrofluoration]. Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Ftoridnyye tekhnologii v atomnoy promyshlennosti. priurochennoy k 105-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya B.V. Gromova – «5-e Gromovskiye chteniya» [Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Ftoridnyye tekhnologii v atomnoy promyshlennosti. priurochennoy k 105-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya B.V. Gromova – «5-e Gromovskie chteniya» [Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Fluoride Technologies in the Atomic Industry" dated for the 105 anniversary since the birth of B.V. Gromov -"The fifth Gromovsky readings"]. Tomsk,]. Tomsk, 17-18. 9. Cherteg № AV 11686 SB. Sublimatny zavod. Otdel glavnogo konstruktora eds. 2013 [Drawing No. AV 11686 SB. Sublimate plant. Department of the chief designer]. Seversk: JSC “Siberian group of Chemical Industry”. 10. Mikheev, P.I., O.B. Gromov, A.A. Bykov et al. 2014. Issledovaniye raspredeleniya materialnykh potokov reagentov po gabaritam apparata tipa AKT pri gidroftorirovanii UO2 [Research of distribution of material streams of reagents on ACT device dimensions at hydrofluoration UO2]. Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Ftoridnyye tekhnologii v atomnoy promyshlennosti. priurochennoy k 105-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya B.V. Gromova – «5-e Gromovskie chteniya» [Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Fluoride Technologies in the Atomic Industry" dated for the 105 anniversary since the birth of B.V. Gromov - "The fifth Gromovsky readings"]. Tomsk, 13-14.