Yu.S. Zatuliveter, E.A. Fishchenko The Universal Algorithmic Space of Distributed and Parallel Computing |
Abstract.The approach to the investigation and solution of system-wide problems of global information strongconnectivity that arise due to the heterogeneity of the global computer environment (GCE) is proposed. Computer aspects of the problems of stable development of social systems are singled out and analyzed. The influence of the combinatorial complexity of the functional integrating of the heterogeneous resources of the GCE on the creation of large-scale distributed socio-technical systems is considered. The way to removal of barriers of integration complexity is shown at the expense of elimination of the general reasons of heterogeneity, and also to seamless expansion of the property of universal programmability on large-scale networks. Principles for the formation of a universal algorithmic space for distributed and parallel computing in GCE are described on the basis of the proposed hardware components with a new architecture. Keywords: global computing environment, information strong-connectivity, heterogeneity, integration, distributed and parallel computing, universal algorithmic space, seamless programming, VLSI computer hardware components. PP. 78-93. References 1. Zatuliveter, Yu.S. 2005. Problemy globalizatsii paradigmy upravleniya v matematicheski odnorodnom pole komp'yuternoy informatsii [The problems of a globalization of the control paradigm in a mathematically uniform field of computer information]. Problemy upravleniya [Control Sciences] 1: 1-12; 2: 13-23. 2. David K, K. Geihs, J. M. Leimeister, A. Roßnagel, L. Schmidt, G. Stumme, A. Wacker (Editors). Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems // Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London (eBook). Library of Congress Control Number: 2014938066. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 2014. 353p. Available at: http://dlx.bookzz.org/genesis/1291000/d7e346c69aad49dcbba3e4dae11cce27/_ as/Klaus_David,_Kurt_Geihs,_Jan_Marco_Leimeister,_Al(BookZZ.org).pdf / (accessed: 11.03.2018). 3. Banke B., V. Butenko, D. Mishenina, K. Polunin, A. Stepanenko, Ye. Sycheva . 2017. Rossiya onlayn: chetyre prioriteta dlya proryva v tsifrovoy ekonomike [Russia Online: Four Priorities for a Breakthrough in the Digital Economy] / The Boston Consulting Group. - Available at: http://image-src.bcg.com/Images/Russia-Online_tcm27-178074.pdf / (accessed March 11, 2018). 4. Swan, M. 2015. Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy. Ed. N.Y.: "O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 142 p. 5. Šojat Z., K. Skala. 2016. Views on the Role and Importance of Dew Computing in the Service and Control Technology / Proceedings of the 39th International Convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics (MIPRO - 2016), Opatija, Croatia. 2016, pp.164-168. 6. Klinker E. When Should You Choose P2P? Available at: http://www.streamingmedia.com/Articles/Editorial/Featured- Articles/When-Should-You-Choose-P2P-65119.aspx / (accessed March 11, 2018). 7. Zatuliveter, Yu.S. 2010. Komp'yuternyy bazis setetsentricheskogo upravleniya. [Computer basis of network-centric control]. Trudy Rossiyskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem "Tekhnicheskiye i programmnyye sredstva v sisteme upravleniya, kontrolya i izmereniya" [Proceedings of the Russian Conference with international participation "Technical and software tools in the management, control and measurement system"]. Moscow. 17-37. Available at: http://www.ipu.ru/sites/default/files/publications/38190/20052-38190.pdf / (accessed March 11, 2018)