A.A. Dorofeyuk, I.V. Pokrovskaya, A.L. Chernyavsky Data structuring for nonnumeric objects |
Abstract.For clustering of the nonnumeric objects the similarity matrix of the expert judgments is used. The clustering is performed by diagonalization of similarity matrix. The variational and the heuristic diagonalization algorithms are proposed. Keywords: nonnumeric objects, similarity matrix, cluster-analysis. pp. 16-21 References1. J.A. Dorofeyuk, A.A. Dorofeyuk, I.V. Pokrovskaya, А.G. Spiro. The methods of intellectual data analysis for investigation of complicate management systems / Proc. ISA RAS, vol. 66, 4, 2016, pp. 36-46 (in Russian). 2. V.V. Nikitin. Information and methodological support of the directions and specialties list formation in the information and communication technologies field. / -М.: MACS Press, 2006. – 272 pp. (in Russian). 3. A.A. Dorofeyuk. The expert-classification methods for the complex data analysis and management (history and prospect) /Problemy upravleniya 2009. №3.1 – pp. 19-28. (in Russian).