

Evaluation of the stability of the stability region of nonlinear systems using split of a linear block into subsystems
A.I. Barkin

A new way of calculating parametric stability region of a nonlinear control system, based on the use of the transformation of the state vector is presented. To reduce the dimensions of an optimization problem a linear block is split into two linear serially connected units.

Keywords: nonlinear control systems, absolute stability, frequency criteria.

Parallel-pipeline computations for data flows processing
A.A. Talalaev

This paper consider some principles of the parallel-pipeline computation model for target information flows processing. This principles are used in development of program system of space appointment based on the artificial neural networks. Offered decisions will allow to provide effective computations on multiprocessor computing systems.

Keywords: program system, parallel-pipeline computations, cluster, process control.


Analysis and efficiency estimation of socio-economical control systems using expert-classification methods
J.A. Dorofeyuk, A.A. Dorofeyuk, A.L. Chernyavsky

The application of the modern intelligent information processing methods for analysis and efficiency estimation of socio-economical control systems is described. In preference the complex data ranging analysis, structural forecasting and multivariant expertise methods are used.

Keywords: expert-classification analysis, analysis and forecasting methods in control systems, efficiency estimation of socio-economical systems

Universality of algorithms predicting strong events in complex systems
A.B. Shapoval, M.G. Shnirman

In spite of hypothesis claiming non-predictability of models with self-organized criticality (SOC), this paper for the first time gives evidence that strong events in a SOC-model of earthquake occurrence (of the Manna type) are predictable with certain efficiency. Some quiescence underlies the prediction. The error diagram exhibits prediction efficiency.

Keywords: self-organized criticality, prediction, error diagram


Representation of Crossover and Mutation Operators in MCRB Networks
N.I. Vitiska, V.V. Gudilov, S.V. Gudilov

The opportunities of application existing hardware reconfiguring structures at the organization of switched connections between elements of multiprocessing systems by the example of parallel performance of genetic operators crossover and mutation are investigated for. Changed approach of the organization of multistage network MCRB in conditions of reduction quantity steps with simplification structure management is shown. The example of construction a switching cell is resulted in view of requirements solved problems.
Keywords: multistage networks; genetics algorithms; crossover; mutation; MCRB; Truncated MCRB.

Dynamical Simulation of Rigid and Flexible Bodies System in EULER
V.G. Boykov, A.A. Judakov

The article reveals main simulation concepts implemented in EULER, a software product for automated analysis of multi-component mechanical systems. Formal representation of a mechanical system and general principles of forming and solving motion equations are shown. Dynamical equations for the flexible bodies undergoing small deformations and moving as parts of a mechanical system are derived. Finite-element method, Craig-Bampton matrixes reduction method, and more general approach than the ones known from the literature are used to derive the equations.

Keywords: mechanical system, motion equations, constraints equations, flexible body, finite-element method, Craig-Bambton method.


Neural network methods for construction of modified intrusion detection system
A.V. Grishin

The article contains a review of methods used to create a learning neural network model intended for intrusion detection system based on “Snort” software. The aim of research: to create an adaptive expert system representing a cascade of intrusion detection and special neural modules, considering local area network traffic features.

Keywords: intrusion detection systems, signature analysis, clasterisation, classification, multilayer perceptron, Kohonen’s self-organizing maps.


Cognitive centers as information systems for strategic forecasting
Desyatov I.V., Malineckiy G.G., Manenkov S.K., Mitin N.A., Ototsky P.L., Tkachev V.N., Shishov V.V.

The article focuses on future design technology based on a network of cognitive centers. Considered an organization of cognitive center and its place in the management metasystem. As an example discussed a project for Chuvash Republic.

Keywords: cognitive center, cognitive technology, technology of future planning, foresight.

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