A. V. Alekseev, A. V. Chernov, K. A. Subareva, A. A. Holostov, V. A. Sviridov High-Performance Computing Systems. Development of Normative Base |
Currently, the Russian Federation does not have a regulatory and technical framework for determining requirements for high-performance computing systems. High-performance computing systems are a separate type of product with their own properties and characteristics that necessitate the development of appropriate regulatory and technical documents. This article describes the experience of the Technical Committee for Standardization «Mathematical modeling and high performance computing technologies»in developing a regulatory and technical framework that establishes specific requirements for high-performance computing systems. The results of this work are reflected in three national standards defining the terminology, the procedure for conducting acceptance tests of high-performance computing systems, as well as the requirements for test programs.
high-performance computing system, acceptance testing, standardization, regulatory and technical framework, test program.
PP. 3-9.
DOI 10.14357/20718632220301 References
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