A. V. Solovyev Algorithmic Solution of the Problem of Authenticity of Digital Data |
The problem of control and keeping of the authenticity of digital data during long-term storage in the digital economy is becoming extremely urgent. Digital data is becoming a key factor in business and production processes, so any violation of their authenticity can lead to very serious consequences. The study provides a brief description of the stated problem of authenticity of digital data. An overview of the existing methods of solving the problem, their advantages and disadvantages is given. The author introduces definitions of authenticity, long-term keeping and other concepts and definitions. As a solution to the problem posed, the article proposes an algorithm for maintaining the authenticity of digital data during their long-term keeping. The proposed algorithm is described in de-tail within the framework of this article. The basis for the practical implementation of the algorithm is an inventory of electronic signatures. The article describes the practical application of the implementation of the proposed algorithm. Based on the successful application, the statement is made that the proposed algorithm, which has been tested in practice, will solve the problem posed in the article. The article also discusses possible prospects for further research and practical application of the proposed algorithm.
authenticity of digital data, long-term keeping, digital economy, electronic signature, blockchain.
PP. 12-19.
DOI 10.14357/20718632210102 References
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